Case Studies
Groundwater Flooding
Client: Herefordshire Council
Hydrogeo were commissioned by Herefordshire County Council to undertake a Hydrogeological Study and Investigation of a Primary School building in the Herefordshire region. The school had encountered an ongoing damp and excessive moisture issues over several years and was subsequently condemned in 2014.
Groundwater Flooding Assessment for a Primary School
A desk study and site investigation works informed the conceptual site model for the school site. Boreholes were advanced across the site area to confirm the nature of the shallow soils and for the installation of shallow groundwater monitoring standpipes. Groundwater samples were collected from the monitoring boreholes and tested for major ions and key water chemistry indicators to investigate the provenance of the water.
The groundwater flooding assessment concluded that the source of the water entering the school building was from the open drain which runs adjacent to the southern boundary of the site. This unlined drain was collecting surface runoff from the surrounding land area and providing recharge to groundwater present within the granular deposits beneath the water course. The water is under pressure beneath the building floor slab and damp proof membrane, ultimately resulting in the failure of the membrane and ingress of shallow groundwater. Hydrogeo provided a number of options to Herefordshire County Council which considered the operational and maintenance issues, regulatory issues, the likelihood of success, risk factors and cost implications where possible.
“…we were extremely happy with the services provided & final report. The report provided us with exactly what we required and had requested you to review and look at. Your approach and undertaking to the project was fully professional and informative as was the final report fully explaining the issue and potential solutions.”