Sustainable Drainage / SuDS

In England the requirement for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for major development forms part of the National Planning Policy Framework.

The Local Planning Authority, in conjunction with the Lead Local Flood Authority, have a duty to ensure that appropriate SuDS form part of the site development and are correctly maintained.

Hydrogeo can provide support for developments where SuDS are required. It is recommended that SuDS are considered at the earliest stage of site design in order to maximise the developable area and site layout, and prevent later delays and design revisions.

SuDS support services provided by Hydrogeo include:
• Soakaway testing in accordance with BRE Digest 365 in order to determine the suitability of infiltration SuDS components;
• Assessment, sizing and hydraulic modelling of various SuDS components in order to determine the most suitable scheme for the site;
• Progression of a Drainage Strategy Report.

    Contaminated Land/Development

    Groundwater Protection

    SuDS and Flood Risk

    Water Supply / Ground Source Heating