SAB Applications
Our Welsh Based SAB Drainage Design Consultants are helping developers across Wales…..
Following the introduction of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 by the Welsh Government from January 2019, new developments over 100m² or more than one dwelling will require a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS).
The SuDS must be designed in accordance with the Statutory Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (2018) and are subject to approval by the Local Planning Authority SuDS Approval Body (SAB).
The SAB process involves submission of a pre-application followed by a full-application. The pre-application allows the SAB to provide comments and advice on the proposed SuDS prior to full-submission; this streamlines the process and increases the likelihood of an acceptable scheme gaining approval.
Hydrogeo can provide support for developments where SAB approval for SuDS is required. It is recommended that SuDS is considered at the earliest stage of site design in order to maximise the developable area and site layout, and prevent later delays and design revisions.
SAB application support services provided by Hydrogeo include:
Soakaway testing in accordance with BRE Digest 365 in order to determine the suitability of infiltration SuDS components;
Assessment, sizing and hydraulic modelling of various SuDS components in order to determine the most suitable scheme for the site;
Progression of a Drainage Design Report in support of the planning application requirements for SuDS.