Soakaways and Drainage Fields
Hydrogeo can investigate the practical and environmental potential for surface water and waste water discharge options.

Soakaway Testing
Hydrogeo can progress soakaway testing in accordance with BRE Digest 365 to assess if soakaways are a viable surface water drainage option for your site. Soakaways are one of the most efficient ways of surface water discharge and are generally favoured over a discharge to a watercourse or sewer.
Our team of qualified geologists and hydrogeologists will study available site development plans and relevant desk-based resources in advance of a site visit in order determine baseline, layout, geology and ground conditions.
Site works can be augmented by data loggers to record the tests where infiltration is lower, this can help reduce costs.
Percolation Testing
Hydrogeo can progress percolation testing in order to support the discharge of treated effluent to ground. We can calculate the required effluent strength and can undertake the necessary assessments (basic or complex if required) to obtain your environmental discharge permit. We can undertake the regulatory liaison on your behalf and always aim to achieve the most practical, cost-effective solution which is protective of the water environment.
Services include:
• Soakaway feasibility and testing (shallow and deep borehole soakaways and infiltration systems)
• Surface water and groundwater quality monitoring
• Surface water flow monitoring
• Calculating effluent discharge concentrations
• Surface water discharge environmental permitting (basic and complex)
• Groundwater Risk assessments for treated effluent discharges to infiltration systems
• Regulatory liaison.
If you would like to speak to someone at Hydrogeo about soakaway testing, drainage field percolation testing or Discharge Permits please call