Pumping tests
Groundwater Pumping tests are used to establish whether a groundwater source can supply water at the volume required, and without affecting existing boreholes, wells, springs and rivers.
Hydrogeo have experience with progressing pumping tests and undertaking groundwater impact assessments in line with relevant guidance and best practice, including:
• British Standard ISO 14686 (2003) “Hydrometric determinations – pumping tests for water wells – considerations and guidelines for design, performance and use”.
• Environment Agency (2012) ‘Hydrogeological Impact Appraisal for groundwater abstractions.
• Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2013). Regulatory Method (WAT-RM-24) Pumping Test Methodology.
Where tests are not progressed in accordance with best practice regulators may require testing to be repeated.
The EA / NRW / SEPA will generally advise within the pumping test consent which nearby water features and other abstractions need to be monitored during a pumping test based on the information provided in a site specific water features survey.